Friday, September 25, 2009

Free Shuffleboard Plans

Statement FASE Montreuil Bagnolet

For a community project,
democratic, civic, environmental and social

In the towns of Montreuil, Romainville, Pantin, Le Pré Saint Gervais, Les Lilas, Noisy-le-Sec, Bagnolet, Bondy, Bobigny, a project of urban community is produced by forced marches by various mayors in the absence of joint projects clearly identified and in the absence of the population. An approach that bodes ill for the future!

In principle, we are not opposed to the intermunicipal. It is also necessary:
-that it be built from the projects and with population-
that it does not reduce to a tax bracket to offset additional municipal finances undermined by the transfer of charges of State;
-that it takes place in good conditions (laws) for local officials.

We are interested in cooperating with other cities to share our experiences and strengths, but we do not we write a logic of competitiveness clusters and economic warfare to bring jobs here also deleted. We wish to relocate the economy more responsive to people's needs.

If we are critical, we are simultaneously constructive, here is what we propose:

-given the extent of transfer of skills common to the town that will give it most of these local authorities, we hope that the agglomeration council is elected by direct universal suffrage (also open to foreign residents) and proportional. This requires a change in current law.

But immediately, we want: the presence of
-elected opposition of each city within the Agglomeration Council
-the establishment of a board of people open to associations and elected minority
- public announcement of the agendas of the Agglomeration Council.

-identification of existing projects in each city or already common to many cities that could become community projects and their implementation in each city and then debate in the community.


-promoting access to culture for all with the same rate in the urban area for all cultural and sports facilities.

-develop a plan for motorized traffic across the intermunicipal.

-act for a return to direct public management of water and more generally for a return to public service to the public today to delegates overwhelmingly private.

Federation for an alternative social and eco-Montreuil-Bagnolet-22/09/09

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Official Symbol In Volleyball

Speech by Stéphane Weisselberg, Municipal Councillor for Citizen Romainville

Speech by Stéphane Weisselberg, Alderman Citizen on file Intercommunity
City Council of May 27, 2009

Ms. Mayor First Deputy,

The case finally reaches us or already (as they wait to be discuss intermunicipal or that we consider the process chosen for its emergence as a "forced march"). My comments and criticisms are in fact the synthesis of these feelings but I will return later in my remarks.
In 2005, when you wanted to get married by force with the cities of Pre-Saint-Gervais Lilas de Bagnolet and we objected 3 reasons to oppose it:

- lack of project defining and justifying such a group and eventually its corollary: the noticeable absence of consultation with affected communities.
- The planned Community Governance Project.
- The impertinence of the perimeter we stopped to regroup.

Let this third data and the only change you have made since 2005, taking over completely our proposals at the time:
We did not understand that we can cut the cities adjacent to the canal and Ourq National 3 and with which we aim natural to imagine an economic development and a comprehensive public transportation, that is to say Pantin, Bobigny and Noisy-le-Sec. Regardless of the fact that the political majority of that time, in the latter city, was right. For us, intermunicipal not intended to establish or develop an area of political influence! But to add value to the services rendered to the populations of cities, to create solidarity in the fight against social inequality and land!
We are pleased that this proposal was heard, which extends up to Bondy. Other
elected in 2005, evoked the idea of turning to Montreuil, without fear of being "swallowed" by a city of 100,000 inhabitants. Assuming that the intermunicipal should primarily be to pool the resources of ambitious projects and learn to live together, there was no reason to imagine a competition between territories where the big eat the small. For this institutional consolidation, although it imposes mandatory transfers of competence, is not intended to eliminate the identity or sovereignty of Commons! This should not be an extra layer of "mille feuille "Or communal hypertrophy.
In any event, if that is what does or plans to the Government's land reform bill through the committee's report Balladur and White, we should all worry.
We are therefore satisfied that Montreuil part in what will be the largest community of common Ile de France and the fifth of our country in terms of population.
You will therefore understand that I will not have changed his views on the principle of intercommunal with whom I have acquaintances.
Unfortunately, I have not changed my opinion not on how the 9 mayors have started the process and imagine the calendar.
Again we take the problem in reverse: you say: let the association of precursor and in the weeks and months following that decision, develop the joint and debating with people.
In a math problem, it's as if you take the conclusion to a premise. And the premise, from my point of view is:
"What the citizens of the 9 cities have to win to regroup? "
The conclusion from your point of view and mine for that matter, should be: any entity thus create administrative, legal and political association of foreshadowing is the first step.
And in between there's the proof.

We must convince romainvillois as areas of economic activity of community interest can create jobs only when cities may have problems related to transport of attractiveness, lack of land reserves or position unfavorable geography.
This would, for example the opportunity to highlight the 135 OOO jobs (100,000 private) created within the agglomeration Plaine Commune and discuss among others the future European project in Cité film by Luc Besson, two steps of the Salle Pleyel in St. Denis, who will gather on 6.5 ha of the expertise of the production line for film make a film from A to Z without leaving the site. For if the cinema is an art, it is also an industry and its economic impact is substantial!
Then I start to dream: Pantin, Romainville, Montreuil: 3 music conservatories radiation departmental reputation. Bobigny: Channel 93, a stage, a rehearsal, residence and concert development contemporary music. Les Lilas: newt, a private room for concerts and recordings (jazz especially) ... A sacred opportunity for the music industry!

We must convince them that romainvillois to get the extension of line 11, the tramway, the extension of lines and bus frequencies as inter-modal connections between cities in the South East and Central Seine St. Denis, we will inevitably be more credible and more efficient to 9 only vis-à-vis the State and the Region.

We must convince romainvillois, at an unprecedented housing crisis, a program allocating social housing building efforts of the 9 cities is certainly more viable at the community level.

But we also need to convince agents that territorial changes in their status will be through the top, supporting the principle of an allowance system aligned with the most favorable of Commons (in all cases, my point of view).

not forget to mention taxation, source of much concern in terms of loss of business tax. The general operating endowment sufficient does to increase investment ? Indeed, it is worth remembering that the Court of Auditors noted that 78% of intercommunal led to financial excesses, as well as additional taxes.

And these are just some examples related to the mandatory skills should be approached with romainvillois.

For this, we must develop democratic tools: I do not think that your "famous" urban workshops to neighborhood councils, but you buried unilaterally, the Mayor or as is done in Plaine Commune a development board collecting associations and institutions, business leaders and trade unionists, with the exception of elected officials who may deal with all matters arising at the intercommunal level.
Let me tell you that for the moment, you are off track in terms of respect and promotion of democracy as a delegate of participatory democracy!
And I'll give you two examples:
- a press conference of mayors, Romainville, April 10 where all the elected representatives of nine cities were invited, with the notable exception of elected romainvillois the opposition! But we recognize that your good taste immoderate of adversary.
- A refusal of provision of a room, on May 20 last, so I can arrange a public meeting with Patrick Braouezec, president of Plaine Commune and Patrick Renaud, president of Roissy Porte de France. I also said at the meeting and the public that I had also invited Philippe Guglielmi, 1st Deputy of intermunicipal and I promised that this meeting does not happen on the way controversy vis- à-vis the majority in place!
But it does not matter, all your cynical attempts to stifle the initiative that would you will not fail: we meet on the sidewalk if necessary!

Finally, the process of dialogue (I dare not say knowledge building) could end with a referendum for popular sovereignty must prevail on an important subject. Particular so that people do not commonly shared this impression that places more decision-making away from them and their concerns. (The argument raised by the mayors that it was part of their election platforms in 2008, is specious).
For now, what I hear, read and remember: it that Bretrand Kern, the mayor of Pantin, will be chairman of the town, that will be the Catherine Peyge secretary, Dominique Voynet will be the Treasurer, the seat will Roaminville, there would automaticity of Mayors Vice Presidents that the dual mandate is a taboo issue that intermunicipal will save on the purchase of Christmas lights or incur more debt.
is a little short, do not you think?
So a little effort, please: give us all the ways to involve our people who look at this: I am for the principle of intermunicipal and much more circumspect about the method used to build them!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why Oovoo Doesnt Detect My Webcam?

Quack in Bagnolet

Quack in Bagnolet

In Bagnolet, there will be Monday, June 8 city council exceptional ... on chipboard! Indeed, the city council rushed the vote in April to membership in the association of precursor with its statutes. Since then, other cities have passed and amended the statutes known as the coup Bagnolet must vote again ...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Clawfoot Tub Soap Shampoo

Intercommunity: not convinced

L undi May 18, the mayor of Bondy organized a debate on the intermunicipal . Guest and speaker was Patrick Braouzec , as chairman of the urban community of Plaine Commune . The least we can say is that the set was hardly convincing.

Note first the crowds. A big hundred people filled the space easily Chauzy. Roger Gilbert, mayor of Bondy, and Patrick Braouzec them are welcomed. However, a city of over 50,000 inhabitants and inhabitants, we can not say that this is a great success. It must be said that the information level, the council had just made the minimum service: Reflections ad in the local newspaper, coated In a speech a little soothing ... and that's it. It does little. Moreover, the initiative does not even appear in the agenda website city!

But perhaps most municipal she was afraid of "ordinary citizens" are competing with the monopoly of speech? Indeed, the majority of questions from the audience was the result of elected officials (largely of the local majority, but the modem, which seems willing to blindly support a bit so we promised him tickets to the opposition within the Executive intercommunal) or SP activists, posing as such. Interventions "simple Citizens were so rare that Gilbert Roger felt compelled to highlight them!

On the merits, Patrick Braouzec painted a somewhat rosy intercommunality. It must be said that he "forgot" to respond certain questions, particularly those related to finance: no answer to the question on the general grant of operation (the carrot-stick state to the communities of metropolitan area), very evasive answer even laughable resources that enabled increase investment in astronomical proportions it has announced. Similarly, he answers worthy of worst of the Jesuits on the issues of democracy: in his view, there is no risk that the intermunicipal cutting the citizens of those supposed to represent ... since the fracture can occur even without intermunicipal! Such sophistry is breathtaking. But he seemed to perfectly satisfy the horde of SP activists who invaded the area Chauzy to hear the good word ... Does this mean that critical thinking and logic are not the qualities best cultivated in PS? I will not cross it not, that would mean.

Still working on these issues and democracy, we note the surge of Gilbert Roger, arrested on multiple directorships, swearing hand on heart that he wished neither to the presidency of intermunicipal or a vice-presidency. We know him remember those promises in a while ...

We also note some inconsistencies. While an issue highlighted the advanced "forced march" to the intermunicipal Braouzec, he does not see where is the problem ... even though he had explained that in the case of Plaine Commune, the process had taken place over years and years. Why, in the case of Bondy, Noisy, Montreuil, etc.. must we go so fast, since the objective is to launch the Urban Community January 1? Why not take the time to discuss, develop collectively? For

itself, we are not against the consolidation of municipalities. Quite the contrary! We advocate federalism, and thus a true federation of municipalities, to put resources together and develop solidarity. But the least we can say is that the debate last night Bondy was not convincing that this is the direction that is being taken! In short, the network Alter-Agglo93 not used to anything!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Speed Revolution Facemask

Bondy: Braouezec just explain his community of chipboard (18/5/2009)


150 people were present in the room to listen to Patrick Braouezec Chauzy Monday night about "Plaine Commune", the urban community he presides.

Of all the good ideas mentioned by Patrick Braouezec, note that the law does or what the opposition is elected by a city or town councils that advise on inter-municipal projects . Note also that the current draft of the "Plaine Commune" was reflected in fifteen years. These are a few differences with the current project supported by the mayors of Bagnolet, Bobigny, Bondy, Le Pré Saint Gervais, Les Lilas, Montreuil Noisy-le-Sec Pantin, Romainville.

Patrick Braouezec recalls that in 2000 "Plaine Commune" was born, including Saint-Denis, Aubervilliers, Saint Ouen. But since 1985 there was a municipal association for Plaine Saint-Denis. Indeed 30,000 jobs There had been lost in 20 years, mayors have realized that they had to act in new ways.

From 1985 to 1992, work was held with the architects.

In 1992, the urban architects was presented with the objective to integrate all human functions (green space, labor, transportation, national education, etc.).

In 1993, the Stadium France has been obtained.

In 1998 and 1999, a debate has taken place for a charter of land between 10 cities. 5 cities have wanted to be in community of Commons and in urban community. A year later, they were joined by 3 other cities.

Today "Plaine Commune" 135,000 jobs that are 100.00 private jobs, and 325,000 inhabitants.

transfers of competence have been incremental, in chronological order: economic development, local development, ecology, transportation / technology, roads, parks, urban policy, housing, library and media (in 2005) .

The budget is 420 million euros (2 / 3 for the operation and third for investment).

What has brought the urban community? Investment capacity has been doubled.

The Community Council comprises 58 members: 1 + 1 by city residents for 5000.

We wanted the opposition has at least one delegate from each town.

Each community board password file in the City Council of cities, if the project is not validated, it is not realized. The law does not require that at all, it is even otherwise.

Being in a community of chipboard has enabled us to carry more weight for transport, economic development, the link with national education, financing of housing.

Regarding the Greater Paris, one could imagine a region that is composed of Paris and around large urban communities.

Several questions are posed by the audience.

Braouezec Patrick responds:

Regarding the participation of residents, we rely on the tools of the towns, we do not create other, we can not do. But our technicians are available to cities that wish, especially in a participatory approach.

Does the urban community is an additional step? No, I do not think there are too many institutions, this is not the source of problems in France. The urban community is used to exit local egoism. There was talk of parochialism or chapel, not too much I want.

How were multiplied by 2 our ability to invest? Firstly there is a specific allocation of the state, but above all we have achieved economies of scale. For example the market for household waste, we won 1 million euros. Market street furniture, we asked a bus shelter at every stop in every city of Plaine Commune "while the poor small towns could not get it.

A Development Council? Yes, there is one, it is the citizens of each city is composed, they can deal with any issue they wish. Employee representatives sit on it, and we hope that there is no municipal councilors.

A referendum? Top 5 cities have not done in the beginning but the municipal councils were much discussed, particularly with employees. But the 3 cities that have joined "Plaine Commune" then have a referendum.

For employees of cities, we have established local territorial units, to keep a close relationship. But we homogenized and allowance systems. Everyone was free to remain in its official policy, even though he was seconded to the urban community. Now attitudes are changing towards intercommunal.

Construction of the project can be done by a Charter which refers to the habitat, housing, etc..

A new set of questions is asked.

Patrick Braouezec:

the question of MODEM suggestive of a "forced march" , no, you're in a regular course, voluntary public service for 2-3 months. If you discuss them until December, you're in the same timing as us. ( Thereupon we probably disagree with Patrick Braouezec: apart from "forced march", we can assume that there are many precipitating from our nine mayors, and few projects. They even say Editor's note .... See HERE ) Regarding our investment capabilities, if we have 40 million euros investment own, have in all our 86 million: more than half comes from the General Council, the General Council or the Europe.

What are the difficulties? First that municipal services do not release requests from the public by blaming the community of chipboard. Then avoid the rivalry between the community and municipal employees.

Regarding multiple directorships by mayors , we chose the mayor of the smallest city as president in 2004 but I became the president. We thought that my parliamentary help us, which is the case. None of the mayors "Plaine Commune" has no elective office. Also the vice-presidencies are not heavier mayors.

Regarding our business tax, our revenues increased 10% per year.

As for Sarkozy's speech which we recognize as an important pole of development, we are mainly recognized as a territory which is building a project. It is the largest to be set for you. We must consider these communities to agglomerate them as complementary, not as competitive.

About economic development, I do not want to be the best student of the capitalist class (Here, our elected officials have had to say definitely that the two projects were different! ... Editor's note) . One must ask what kind of development do we speak. Do we work to develop a society of consumption and waste? Or do we want to reduce social and territorial? For me, being the first place has no tourist or economic interest if it does not serve the people.

Regarding the 1000-sheet that is to say, the multiplication of institutions, I do not know if a town of less than 500 inhabitants still has meaning. Probably should be consolidated regions, departments. But it takes time for that democratic.

on community identity that replaces the communal identity e is very progressive. The question is especially how to live together.

A final set of questions is asked.

Patrick Braouezec:

Regarding contempt are the Roma in France and especially in Seine-Saint-Denis is a real question. For the nomads, there was no parking. We made 3, and 2 more are planned. A Roma encampment was built on hard, although I regret that there is a wall. To protect us from what?

On political diversity within cities community of chipboard, I think that is an asset. What determines us to offer to enter new cities is less the political color that adherence to the project.

Regarding the vice-presidencies , there is no requirement that either the mayors.

About divestiture felt by residents , with elected officials still more distant, it is that elected officials are actually present in most neighborhoods. But there is no community need for cutting of chipboard elected citizens, just to stay in his office .. However, the risk is actually els that Councillors are not interested in the urban community.

Regarding dynamic measure until 2013 although we have 5 to 6 billion investment. Beyond that are I mentioned, there are other projects: the transport by the government and the region (less than 1 billion), the private project of Luc Besson, urban renewal (1 billion), etc.. Finally

Patrick Braouezec calls to build territories to change lives, with another development to live well in his city or the world. A fine conclusion applauded by the audience.

already expected that the mechanisms provided in our territory to "listen" to the citizens allow this construction. For the moment this is not done ...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ap Bio Respiration Lab Answers

Bondy: for intercommunal, but something else and otherwise!

Intercommunality, act 1 (May 2009)

On May 14, 2009, City Council ( HERE ) approved the Association of foreshadowing of the urban community. The opinion was expressed that Bondy otherwise on this occasion.

Bondy otherwise voted for the development of work with neighboring cities, was an important point in our program, particularly to facilitate the movement of people in other cities for outings or contact utilities.

We therefore support the intermunicipal.

But we have serious doubts about the project presented tonight.

1) What can we expect from the urban community? This may be interesting to reduce costs when the same service intercommunal are for example (but this reduction is largely hypothetical, according to the Court of Auditors, 78% of intercompany cost more!), This may also help to pool enormous costs on projects, for example a second Stade de France (but there is no draft). Intermunicipal makes more sense when there are joint projects long, it was the case with common Plaine Plaine Renaissance "that the towns of St Denis, St Ouen and Aubervilliers were created in 1985, 15 years before their urban community ... Conversely, the project introduced the evening will precipitate: it is an agglomeration community before we know what we intended. In fact it is so true that Daniel Bernard, deputy mayor of Bagnolet, Bagnolet explains that the intermunicipal contract will allow more borrowing. Would the mayor of Bondy? Have they discussed? The project is really to be interco to increase the debt? Conversely Ramdane Nasser, deputy mayor of Noisy, explained that the intermunicipal will allow his city to pay its own expenses by the other ... What consistency is there, what real projects?

2) Upon consultation, our concern is great. Bertrand Kern, Pantin, the future president of the structure (but "hush!" Nothing is decided, it seems!), Explained that a blog will be opened. Where have we seen that consultation takes place on blogs? That is why the political network, and citizen associations established on the 9 cities (Alter-Agglo93) demand a referendum open to residents outside the European Union on this project. Politely say that for now no mayor has decided not to ... It should be less important to consult the public than who will be President or Vice President ... The referendum requirement is particularly strong since Bondy ' we were told the news conference that elected mayors were all spoken in the municipal campaign. This argument is also unconvincing, this is not for or against this intermunicipal have decided that the votes in municipal elections. A Bondy plus it's strictly true, since this topic is discussed at any time in the election materials from the PS.

3) The absence of citizens is discernible: Bondy 4 representatives shall be designated and elected representatives! No citizen, no union or association représentatnt! Confess that it starts badly.

4) On financing, Marc Everbecq (Mayor de Bagnolet) explains to the press conference, there will be no additional taxes. But for the first year, the cost of this "association" will be 120.000 €. This money will not be used for other projects, how can we say that it does not cost anything?

For these reasons, the vote we abstained.